App Tamer

App Tamer Beta Testing is Complete

Please visit the App Tamer Release page for information and download links.

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Try it for FREE for 15 days

Download Version 2.8.3 
For Mac OS 10.13 - 14.4 

Download Version 2.7.6 
For 10.9 - 10.12  

Buy App Tamer Now
Single-user license: $14.95/each
2+ licenses: $12.45/each
More Information
About App Tamer
What's New
Beta Testing
User Manual
Reviews and Comments
What a beautifully simple yet revolutionary App! But don't tell Apple that I can put off upgrading my Macbooks for another year ;)
- Marko Turner
It's "just working". Thank you so much. Love the product. Love the support.
- Gregory Morse
A) the user interface is completely intuitive, B) it seems to work perfectly and instantaneously, and C) I did independent confirmation with my usual tool (top from the command line) and astonishingly, Safari was sitting there firmly fixed at 0 %CPU. That is awesome!!! I am absolutely going to be telling everyone I know to go buy this immediately!
- Larry Yaeger
System Requirements
macOS 10.9 through 14.5
Runs natively on Intel & Apple Silicon

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