Archive for the ‘HistoryHound’ Category
Friday, May 17th, 2019
A change in Safari combined with a bug in HistoryHound meant that previous versions of HistoryHound would often wait much longer than they should have to update the index of your browsing history. Version 2.0.2 fixes this problem, and is also notarized by Apple to ensure its security (and compatibility with macOS 10.15 when the time comes).
You can get release notes and download links at the HistoryHound Release page.
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Thursday, January 3rd, 2019
HistoryHound 2.0 was released last month, shortly before Christmas, and I neglected to announce that here on the blog with all the holiday goings-on. This update to our ‘personal web search’ tool adds support for the latest versions of your favorite browsers, as well as providing Mojave compatibility.
In addition, version 2.0 makes HistoryHound smarter about fetching and indexing visited web pages. It won’t repeatedly try to load a page that returns an error, nor will it index “front door” pages where you’re being asked to log in to a secure site. Its error handling has also improved, eliminating a number of bugs and situations where you’d previously have gotten an error message or warning.
Ronald combed through the French localization, providing a host of corrections and improvements to make the user experience more fluid for French-speaking users. And I modernized all the resources to bring everything up to date (though the main window does still use a drawer instead of a sidebar – that anachronistic interface element will be replaced in a future update).
You can hop on over to the HistoryHound Release Page to see a full list of the changes, as well as to download a copy. The update is free if you’ve got a license for version 1.x, even though the major version number has changed. The extent of the internal modifications felt like they merited a “2.0” version number, but because there aren’t many changes on the outside, it didn’t seem fair to charge for the update.
Posted in HistoryHound, Mojave | No Comments »
Thursday, March 2nd, 2017
While Jettison and HistoryHound are still supported and sold on the St. Clair Software website, I’ve pulled them from the Mac App Store. The versions that were in the Mac App Store were older revisions, and it just didn’t make business sense to rearchitect the apps to meet Apple’s current requirements for approval so they could be kept up-to-date.
For both applications, complying with Apple’s sandboxing and feature constraints to get them approved for sale would have required significant rewrites. And in Jettison’s case, it would also require that buyers download a separate helper app to enable its full functionality. I realize that some people will be put off or inconvenienced by the fact that these apps are no longer in the Mac App Store – my apologies if you’re one of those folks, but it just doesn’t make sense for Jettison and HistoryHound.
Without going into a full-on rant about the Mac App Store (I could ramble on for days), let’s just say that while the Mac App Store is convenient for consumers, it doesn’t really serve the needs of some developers. Much has been written about it already (here, here, here, here and here, for example) so I won’t rehash it all – and despite years of “constructive criticism” from developers, Apple hasn’t fixed some major problems.
I hope you’ll continue to purchase our applications, as well as those from other independent developers selling outside the Mac App Store. While it’s a little less convenient than the Mac App Store, it allows us to bring you the best software we can, and also gives us the opportunity to foster a two-way relationship with you – both of which really matter to us.
– Jon
Posted in Development, HistoryHound, Jettison, Random Ramblings | 18 Comments »
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016
HistoryHound 1.9.12 and Jettison 1.5.2 both deliver stability improvements and bug fixes to make sure they run without issue on El Capitan and Sierra.
HistoryHound also includes better error handling and its indexing is more intelligent when it encounters web pages that redirect you to a new page. You can now click on status messages in the main window to show you the status of indexing and the contents of your search index, and HistoryHound 1.9.12 supports the Vivaldi browser as well as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, OmniWeb, iCab, Opera, NetNewsWire and URL Manager Pro.
Full lists of changes and download links are available on the HistoryHound release page and the Jettison release page.
Posted in El Capitan, HistoryHound, Jettison, Sierra | No Comments »
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
A security vulnerability has been found in Sparkle, the framework used by many Mac applications to check for and download software updates automatically. Full details are at:
While some of our applications (like HistoryHound) are using older versions of the Sparkle framework at the moment, they all use encrypted HTTPS connections to check for and download updates, so there’s no chance of a man-in-the-middle attack, as described in the report.
So you can safely leave automatic update checking turned on in all of our products – it’s being done safely.
– Jon
Posted in App Tamer, Code, Default Folder X, Development, HistoryHound, Jettison | 2 Comments »
Friday, January 9th, 2015
Version 1.9.11 of HistoryHound is now available, providing full support for indexing Safari 8 history and cache files. It also allows you to add a single URL to your search index in HistoryHound’s search preferences, and can be used as an upgrade to copies of HistoryHound purchased on the Mac App Store.
If you purchased HistoryHound from the Mac App Store, just make sure to run version 1.9.11 once after you download it BEFORE you get rid of the copy you bought from the App Store. This will allow the new version of HistoryHound to copy your license from the version you bought from Apple.
Go to the HistoryHound Release page for full details and download links.
Posted in HistoryHound, Yosemite | No Comments »
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
HistoryHound and Default Folder X have both been updated today with reliability improvements and enhancements. Both are also compatible with Yosemite, so you can go ahead and upgrade when it’s released on Thursday.
The Details:
HistoryHound 1.9.10 improves its searching of your browsing history, updates support for the latest versions of popular web browsers, improves performance via 64-bit code and fixes a few bugs that could cause HistoryHound to crash. You can see a list of the changes and download the new version from the HistoryHound release page.
Default Folder X 4.6.10 addresses a few problems with 4.6.9, which was already Yosemite-ready. We recommend that anyone running Default Folder X update to the new version to make sure it works correctly in all your applications. Details and download links are on the Default Folder X release page.
Posted in Default Folder X, HistoryHound, Yosemite | No Comments »
Friday, May 6th, 2011
You may have noticed that HistoryHound can’t see your browser history when you’re using Firefox 4. The Firefox team used a new version of the SQLite database to store the history and bookmark info in version 4, and that new version actually uses a new file format. Here’s a pre-release build of HistoryHound that’s been updated to understand the new files:
This will be released officially next week (both through our store and the Mac App Store) but we’d like everyone to download and double-check to make sure we haven’t missed anything. Please give it a spin and let us know if you encounter any issues.
– Jon
Posted in HistoryHound | No Comments »
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

The earthquake in Haiti has nearly destroyed what was already a fragile country. Please join us in assisting in the relief effort.
On Wednesday, January 20 St. Clair Software and 100+ other developers are donating all sales to help provide medical care and supplies for Haitian earthquake victims. Please visit the Indie+Relief web site and purchase any products you need, think you might need or have even considered buying. All revenue will be donated to charities that benefit Haitian earthquake relief.
Even if you don’t purchase anything, donate to the charity of your choice. Skip that latte and send water to people that desperately need it. Skip that dessert and provide food or medicine. Or keep your lifestyle exactly the same and just donate a few dollars – it all adds up. If you’re unsure which charity to give to, visit Charity Navigator, which breaks down the benefits (and costs incurred) for most major charitable organizations.
Posted in Default Folder X, HistoryHound, Random Ramblings | No Comments »
Thursday, October 29th, 2009
The final version of HistoryHound, our multi-browser search tool , is available! It now works with the latest versions of Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome, and will also index URLs contained in .webbookmark, .webhistory, and .webloc files. On top of that, HistoryHound is now faster and consumes less of your CPU, addresses a number of bugs and problems, and includes some helpful little enhancements.
I got this from a HistoryHound user yesterday:
Just wanted to compliment you and your staff for the GREAT update to HistoryHound. 1.9.7 really rocks.
Thanks for creating this great and oh-so-useful piece of software.
With all best wishes,
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