A couple of App Tamer’s extra preference settings aren’t actually documented in the released version. They were added during development and were described in the beta notes, but never made it into the documentation. So, until that gets resolved in the docs for version 1.0.3, here’s a quick run-down:
- App Tamer can hide applications when they are stopped rather than dimming their windows. To turn this on, quit App Tamer and then use this command in Terminal:
defaults write com.stclairsoft.AppTamer hideWhenStopped 1
To turn the feature back off, use:
defaults write com.stclairsoft.AppTamer hideWhenStopped 0
- When window dimming is turned on, the brightness of the dimmed windows can be modified with a defaults setting. Run this command in Terminal (the default value is 65% – lower percentages are darker, higher percentages are brighter):
defaults write com.stclairsoft.AppTamer dimPercentage 65